- What is work-study?
Work-study employment is a type of financial aid that a student earns in the form of a paycheck. The program is either federally funded or state funded. The funds are intended to help offset educational and living expenses. Wages are earned by working on campus or at an approved off-campus site.
- Who can be a work-study employee?
Students are considered for work-study employment based on financial need. A completed FAFSA is required prior to May 1 or receiving a PA State Grant. Eligibility is determined by the Work-Study program in the Financial Aid Office in Room B-107. You must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 credits and have at least a 2.0 GPA semester and cumulative.
- How do I receive the money?
Unlike many forms of financial aid, the money goes directly to the student instead of the institution. Funds are received in the form of a semi-monthly paycheck. All paychecks are based on a standard hourly wage and the number of hours worked for each pay period.
- How much will I get paid?
All federal work-study employees receive a standard hourly rate. Appropriate taxes will be deducted from your paycheck.
- When can I begin working?
Upon completion of your work-study orientation, you may begin working.
- How many hours can I work?
Generally, work-study employees are hired to work a maximum of 15 hours per week.
Additional Information
Please note that participation in work-study could reduce future loan requests.
For more information contact:
Work-Study Office, B-107
610.372.4721, ext. 5227